Monday, January 24, 2011

The Ends of Stories

What is it about the ending of a story that makes me so emotional? Not even particularly a story -- it could be a series of videos rather than a show, movie, book, or game. In a way, it's an extremely satisfying feeling, but it's also a bit sad at the same time. Bittersweet would most likely be the appropriate way to describe these things. With something that does have a happy ending (where a story is involved), it's such a great feeling to see everything come together in the end -- maybe the hero saves the girl, or a family is brought together, an animal might be saved from danger, the world could be freed from a villainous figure, or one of so many other things. However, that's it. That's the end; that chapter in our life is now closing.

We won't sit at the edge of our seats with worry for the character(s), we won't cheer for them when they overcome their problems; we won't ever travel together again (well, unless the sequel comes out). If we do it again, it won't be for the first time. We already know what there is to know in the story, we don't have that room to "grow" alongside them. For me, this is one of the hardest-hitting realizations.

I want to write more about some other things, but I think this is enough to satisfy me for now.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to let go, especially when you're emotionally invested. Kind of like what Wake was talking about in one of the endings, about how the completion of a project brings many feelings - happiness, achievement, then aimlessness, loss, depression... I think it's good you feel those things, because it means you care. But how much or little you let it affect you, is up to you, and you'll always have the memories, always have those good times, and always have the next story to dive into.
